
起重机与建筑:需要考虑的因素 & 运输业小贴士

从新加坡到西雅图, a familiar site looms against the skyline—cranes poised to complete towering buildings, 桥梁, 道路. They come in all shapes and sizes, and are essential to most any construction project.

The crane market is inextricably linked to the health of the construction industry—in this post, we take a look at international and domestic construction projections to get an idea of where the crane market is headed in the coming years, 并提供一些建议,以确保您的起重机项目取得成功.


The global cranes market is poised to grow during the forecast period of 2017 to 2024, 根据2017-2024年全球起重机市场预测. [http://www.inkwoodresearch.com/reports/global -起重机-市场-预测- 2017 2024/]

随着新兴国家继续工业化, developed nations recover from the recession and construction advances in smart cities and mega cities thanks to technological innovations, 起重机市场将会扩大.

能源效率, 轻型和紧凑型起重机广泛应用于船舶领域, 采矿和挖掘需求量很大, while the market for fixed cranes is expected to grow at a slower rate during the forecast period.


在世界范围内, the construction industry continues to rebound from the Great Recession, 总体形势是稳定增长的.

A benchmark global study from Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics, 题为“全球建设2030”,“(http://www.globalconstruction2030.com/] forecasts that the volume of construction output will increase by 85 percent to $15.到2030年全球将达到5万亿美元, 有三个国家——中国, the United States and India — accounting for 57 percent of all global growth.

“Construction is likely to be one of the most dynamic industrial sectors in the next 15 years and is utterly crucial to the evolution of prosperous societies around the world,费尔南多说。. González, chief executive of global building materials company CEMEX.

Europe is poised to reach pre-financial crisis levels approximately a decade from now, while the United Kingdom is expected to overtake Germany to become the largest market in Europe and the world’s sixth largest construction market by 2030.

在北美, high-rise residential projects comprise nearly 70 percent of construction activity, 根据北美起重机指数®.

[http://assets.rlb.com/production/2017/02/01000131/2017-01-Crane-Index.pdf] This constitutes a significant shift in the second half of 2016, 混合用途建筑减少了近25%. Simultaneously, commercial, healthcare and hospitality sectors all experienced significant growth.

“Our research indicates that new projects are scheduled to commence in most cities as existing projects are completed,朱利安·安德森说, 莱德·莱维特·巴克诺尔北美公司总裁. “We therefore anticipate that cumulative activity in all sectors will remain consistent.”


在美国, infrastructure projects are of particular interest to citizens and lawmakers alike. 联邦资金用于修复现有桥梁, 道路 and water supply systems is expected to increase in the near term, 新的基础设施项目正在规划中. These projects largely will be carried out through public-private partnerships.

Plans have also progressed for federal transportation projects with the passage of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act. The legislation established a multi-year spending framework for these projects, replacing a decade’s worth of temporary extensions to previous financing provisions.

Additional factors that could affect the construction industry include interest rate ‘normalization’ per the Federal Reserve, steady population growth in the United States resulting in more consumer spending, and speculation that millennial’s will help fuel single-family home-building as they bond or marry and start raising children. Shifts in the retail sector away from ‘bricks and mortar’ stores to online sales could also have an impact, 但该行业目前的增长趋势仍然是积极的.


起重机项目时间紧迫, and late deliveries result in financial penalties and lost customers. The majority of the world’s largest crane companies are located in Europe and Asia, which adds a level of complexity to your logistics and transportation needs. Read on for some tips to ensure the success of your crane project.


First step — confirm that the product is in fact insured during transit, and determine a plan for replacement in the event of damage on arrival. It’s not uncommon for damage to a single piece to delay an entire installation. Develop a plan with the manufacturer in advance to replace damaged components, 降低你的风险.


在不断增长的市场上,供应商很少能领先. It’s important to fully understand their ability to produce on time, 以及可能阻止他们这样做的场景. Initiate a conversation with the manufacturer early in the process.


Rail and trucking options for transport will be available depending on the relative location of your manufacturer and your job-site to ports. There is a trade-off between each of these in terms of cost, transit time and predictability. 在做决定之前权衡一下利弊.

直接与. 转运:

Your manufacturer will likely offer both direct and transshipment vessels. Transshipment sailings are often less costly, but with higher probabilities of delay and mishandling. The timing of the project and the availability of the equipment may dictate which option you choose.

By working through these considerations with your strategic logistics provider in advance, 你将减少迟到和处罚的可能性, 提高客户满意度.


Cami Meador, CLN: cami@clnusa.Com | 704-526-9301

#Export #Import #OceanFreight #AirFreight #International #NorthCarolina #Charlotte #CLN在世界范围内 #supplychain #logistics #cranes


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